Fed By God
Animals thrive in the most natural setting that can possibly be. Luckily, we have found a way that is extremely natural, economical, sustainable and regenerative. We believe because we are letting the animals live how God created them, that He is in turn blessing us with the rest.

Eggs From Joyful Hens
Our Hens get a new buffet everyday. We have a Joel Salatin design coup which allows us to keep them safe from predators, while allowing them to enjoy fresh grass, legumes, and bugs daily. Our hens are the caboose to our animal train, which means they follow the rest but play a vital role in our grass management plan.
We are currently selling eggs at Truly Local in Morehead KY (Truly Local LLC | Facebook ), and Globe Farm Supply in Globe KY.

Frolicking Sheep
We currently have 40 registered Katahdin ewes from 3 different stock groups.
We pride ourselves in parasite resistance and our lambs are born in pasture, learning how to eat the good stuff from their mothers. We let the ewes decide when to wean which we believe helps strengthen and develop a better product for you.
If you are interested in lambs, this year we will be selling registered ram lambs, ram lambs for meat.

Cow Share Program
We are currently in a season of letting one set of cows rest and waiting on others to give birth. We will have cow shares available in the spring.
Make your own cheese, butter, or just poor a cold glass and enjoy.
We believe that everyone should own their own cow so that they can have fresh milk in their own homes.
With that raw milk you can do many things to provide tasty, natural health to your fridge and family.
Shares start at a one-time refundable deposit of $20.
Contact us for a copy of our cow share contract to review.
Benefits of Drinking Raw Milk
1. Raw Milk is naturally rich in CLA and Omega-3 fatty acids
CLA is an omega-6 fatty acid, abundant in grass-fed animals. It helps shrink fat cells and increase metabolism. Some promising research has noted the ability of CLA to reduce fat mass in humans. CLA also is effective at reducing inflammation in the body without harming your arteries. Reducing inflammation can help with insulin resistance, cancer, high blood pressure, and strengthening the immune system.
2. Raw Milk is naturally rich in vitamins and minerals (Pasteurized milk is cooked at high heat which eliminates Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, and Vitamin B6)
-Because it is unprocessed, all the nutrients are bioavailable and ready for your body to absorb them as they were bound in nature to do so.
-no added or synthetic vitamins; a complete and whole food.
3. Raw Milk is healthy for those who are lactose intolerant
4. Raw Milk helps to naturally immunize the body against allergies and asthma
“Studies are now proving that children who drink raw milk are 50 percent less likely to develop allergies and 41 percent less likely to develop asthma compared to other children. This study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology was done on 8,000 children and the researchers believe that by drinking raw milk you are “naturally immunizing” the body the way God created.”

Goat Share Program
Our Goat Share has not yet started.
We have Lamancha Goats that are bred and will start our goat share once they give birth.
Make your own cheese, butter, or just poor a cold glass and enjoy.
We believe that everyone should own their own milking goat so that they can have fresh milk in their own homes. With that raw milk you can do many things to provide tasty, natural health to your fridge and family.

Poultry Meat
Our poultry spend their lives fully on the grass. There they get to eat the grass and insects as they wish.
Our next set of meat birds (chicken) will be available March 2023.
All poultry comes as full carcass' ready to cook or part out in your house. $3.99/lb.
(Check out our video on how to part out your Carcass (link coming soon).

Livestock Guardians
We raise Great Pyrenees for livestock guardian dogs. Our dogs spend their lives next to the animals they love to protect.
Our next litter is due April 4, 2023. Puppies will be ready to leave the farm around May 30, 2023.
$150 each.
If you would like to purchase a Great Pyrenees, contact us for availability.